Madeleine Leininger’s life is dedicated in bringing the world knowledge about the importance of culture in caring. Having read her history, we can say that all of her hardships are worth it because now, the world recognizes the significance of culture-sensitive care. As Filipinos, we are used to the different cultures that are present in our small country. That’s why the idea of Transcultural Nursing is not unfamiliar to us. We know that many of our countrymen have different needs depending on where they came from. However, as nurses, we still need to understand fully the theory presented by Leininger in order for us to be a globally competent nurse with regards to transcultural care.
The Theory of Cultural Diversity and Universality does not only show the similarities and the differences of each individual but it also opened our eyes that not everyone has the same needs and priorities. For example, patients with similar diseases don’t necessarily mean that they have the same need. Others need to pray during their times of struggles while others want to have fun to relieve their stress. Placing importance on patient’s cultural background is not easy. However, Leininger provided us a way to do so. Her Sunrise Model helps nurses in assessing culture and social related factors of patients. It also serves as a guide as we develop our skills in providing a culture-sensitive care to our patients.
Using Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care and her Sunrise Model as a framework for nursing practice has several benefits.
First, it helped us engaged ourselves in a reflective discourse with Leininger. Consequently, while we try to synthesize and assimilate her points of emphasis, our perceptions are reframed to what constitutes culture from the nurse’s point of view. This kept us more receptive to learning and developing ourselves in the process, for optimum patient outcomes. Culture affects outcome. Our nursing care plan to provide optimum results must reflect our awareness of the differences in people's cultural backgrounds -- just as we are aware of the physical condition of their bodies. By understanding their culture, we can give them the appropriate care that they deserve
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